About Permanent Wheelchair Ramps

Permanent Wheelchair Ramps must be built following strict guidelines for safety and long lasting durability. Ramps must be carefully designed in order to be useful. Ontario has established minimum widths and maximum slopes to make it easier and safer for a wheelchair user to navigate in inclement weather. There are many types of permanent wheelchair ramps including wood, steel and concrete.

The most common type of permanent wheelchair ramp is built using wood. Although the ramp is built using common building materials from a hardware store, it is important that you hire a professional. Assess Solutions is experienced in building permanent wood wheelchair ramps. We understand and follow guidelines and building codes to enure that you or your commercial customers will be safe when using the ramp.

There are many guidelines and codes that must be met, inspected and passed, in order for your permanent wheelchair ramp to provide continuous safe and easy access to your home or commercial building.

There are also additional considerations such as ensuring that the surface is smooth and free of obstructions. In our weather, it is important to take into consideration our many months of ice and snow.


  • Pressure Treated Wood
  • Requires footings
  • Regular maintenance
  • Permanent Installation
  • Approx 2 days installation
  • Requires separate traction application
Permanent Wood Wheelchair Ramp
Permanent Wood Ramp installed inside garage
Permanent Pressure Treated Wood Ramp
Permanent Pressure Treated Wood Ramp

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